Trail angel

So Much Diversity in SoCal

So Much Diversity in SoCal

More rain, another creek, a fire with less destruction, our lowest elevations yet, and a brand-new monument

The Outermost Outskirts of LA

The Outermost Outskirts of LA

Oak-covered slopes, a big milestone, our longest (& strangest) road walk, chaparral hills, and ultra-trail angels

The Hikers of LaMancha

The Hikers of LaMancha

Cool weather and clouds in the desert, wind turbines everywhere & so much wind, horny toads, water caches, Kohnen's AKA the best bakery in all of Tehachapi

Baby It's Cold Outside

Baby It's Cold Outside

Beautiful Rae Lakes, stunning alpine lake-filled basins, the Glen Pass knife-edge, a definite change in season with more snow, Kearsarge is gorgeous, a trail angel family


NOBOs, SOBOs, & Hiker Boxes

NOBOs, SOBOs, & Hiker Boxes

A hiker box tutorial, desert forest, mucho NOBOs and hiking into the night